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New Zealand
79th Session
His Excellency Winston Peters
Deputy Prime Minister
New Zealand
78th Session
Her Excellency Nanaia Mahuta
Minister for Foreign Affairs
New Zealand
77th Session
Her Excellency Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister (fem)
New Zealand
76th Session
Her Excellency Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister
New Zealand
73rd Session
Her Excellency Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister
New Zealand
72nd Session
His Excellency Craig Hawke
Permanent Representative to the United Nations
New Zealand
71st Session
His Excellency John Key
Prime Minister
New Zealand
70th Session
His Excellency John Key
Prime Minister
New Zealand
69th Session
His Excellency Murray McCully
Minister for Foreign Affairs
New Zealand
68th Session
His Excellency John Key
Prime Minister
New Zealand
67th Session
His Excellency Murray Mccully
Minister for Foreign Affairs
New Zealand
66th Session
His Excellency Jim McLay
Permanent Representative to the United Nations
New Zealand
65th Session
His Excellency Murray McCully
Minister for Foreign Affairs
New Zealand
64th Session
His Excellency John Key
Prime Minister