General Debate of the 68th Session

68th Session
His Excellency Phandu T. C. Skelemani
Minister for Foreign Affairs
68th Session
His Excellency Kosal Sea
Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
68th Session
His Excellency Pak Kil Yon
Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs
68th Session
His Excellency Ib Petersen
Permanent Representative to the United Nations
68th Session
His Excellency Vince Henderson
Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Dominican Republic
68th Session
His Excellency Jose Manuel Trullols
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
68th Session
His Excellency Xavier Lasso Mendoza
Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Holy See
68th Session
His Excellency Archbishop Dominique Mamberti
Secretary of Relations with States
68th Session
His Excellency Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister
68th Session
H.E. Mrs. Mariyam Shakeela
Caretaker Minister for Foreign Affairs
President of the General Assembly (closing)
68th Session
His Excellency John W. Ashe
President of the General Assembly
Sao Tome and Principe
68th Session
His Excellency Carlos Filomeno Agostinho Das Neves
Permanent Representative to the United Nations
68th Session
His Excellency Kodjo Menan
Permanent Representative to the United Nations