Statement summary
HASSAN ROUHANI, President of Iran, recalled that the war in Iraq had sown the seeds of the borderless terrorism which had spread across the world. The question of why the world was facing such a problem should be on the agenda of international forums. “The genesis of borderless violent extremism and terrorism could be attributed to the security strategies developed by major Powers in the past 15 years,” he said, adding that security in one region at the cost of insecurity in other was impossible; it could lead to more insecurity everywhere.
It was regrettable that “some Powers” had provided covert and overt support for Takfiri groups or had condoned their formation, he said, adding that such Powers were now committing atrocities against innocent people and their defenders “under the guise of fighting terrorism”. In particular, the Saudi Government must cease and desist from divisive policies, spreading hate and hateful ideology and trampling upon the rights of its neighbours.
His Government opposed any kind of sectarianism, he went on to say. Muslims, whether they be Sunni or Shi’a, had lived in harmony for centuries and would continue to do so. He affirmed his country’s commitment to prevent a dismemberment of the region, recalling such a situation which had occurred a century ago.
Finally, he expressed his concerns about the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which his country had reached with the P5+1 [China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, United States and Germany]. While the Plan of Action offered a model of the success that could be achieved through constructive interaction and dialogue, the United States had not met all of its commitments under the agreement. That failure would erode the United States’ credibility in the world and should be rectified immediately. Furthermore, he condemned recent measures by the United States Supreme Court to seize billions of dollars of Iranian assets. Finally, he celebrated Iranian economic progress and predicted that Iran’s economic growth would reach approximately 5 per cent by the end of 2016.
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