Statement summary
MUHAMMAD JUSUF KALLA, Vice President of Indonesia, said the international community had laid down a new set of goals and timeframe in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Indonesia was fully committed to implementing it. The Government was mainstreaming the Goals into the country’s policies, finalizing a financial framework, engaging all relevant stakeholders and developing national guidelines as well as a monitoring, evaluating and reporting mechanism.
Implementation of the 2030 Agenda must be supported by strong global partnerships that would make a difference in advancing sustainable development, he said. The global community must provide sufficient means and funding mechanisms for all countries to carry the Agenda forward. Peace was a prerequisite to development and successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda, he said, adding that Indonesia’s experiences in the 1950s and 1960s attested to that. But instability and insecurity continued in many parts of the world due to territorial disputes, terrorism and extremism.
He said the Middle East peace process remained difficult to move forward and irregular migration continued. The global community was confronted almost daily by media pictures of the stark reality created by continuing insecurity, all taking place against the backdrop of a slowing global economy, he said. The gap between rich and poor was widening and climate change was accelerating, as were its effects on small island States. Emphasizing that no one country could resolve those challenges on its own, he said they required a global partnership for a global solution.
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