Statement summary
DENIS RONALDO MONCADA COLINDRES, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua, recalling times of domination and interference, declared that: “We are living moments of the extinction of the imperialist, colonialist model of looting and genocide whose greed has impacted nature and our world.” Nicaragua thus continues to fight for freedom and truth that cannot be concealed, demanding respectful cooperation, solidarity and human fraternity. Expressing hope that the “new world” can be just, peaceful, secure and prosperous, he lamented that the nature of the United Nations has been distorted. In this context, calling for full compliance with international law, he urged the Organization to enforce the 1986 ruling of the International Court of Justice that awarded Nicaragua reparations from the United States. While this would not restore lost lives, it could help rebuild economic, social and cultural infrastructure of the country, he underscored.
He went on to denounce aggressive, interventionist, arbitrary and unjust policies that use unilateral, illegal, illegitimate, destabilizing and destructive warlike methods to impose changes of Governments, emphasizing that such methods have cost millions of lives and caused unprecedented migration flows. He thus expressed solidarity with those that have suffered thereunder — Palestinians, Syrians, Saharawis and Eritreans, as well as people “in struggle” in Africa, Asia and Latin America. “We are the peoples and countries that resist and fight the blockades, the economic warfare and the systematic and permanent intervention in the social, cultural, economic and political life,” he stated. Further, he named Cuba, Venezuela, Honduras, Bolivia, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Belarus, Russian Federation and Iran as friendly countries deserving solidarity in their undertakings.
The Russian Federation has stood for peace and security, defending the world from the growing threat of empires, he claimed, praising that China has demonstrated how solidarity and respectful cooperation can create a community of “common destiny”. In addition, he urged the United Nations system to return to its founding and fundamental values. Welcoming the agreements reached at the recent Summit of the “Group of 77” developing countries and China in Cuba, he also drew attention to the recent enlargement of BRICS (Brazil, Russian Federation, India, China, South Africa) that, in his view, represents new forces in the battle for economic and financial sovereignty. On technological development, Nicaragua advocates for an inclusive, rational and beneficial approach that prevents the abuse of any advancements. In closing, he described a world free of wars, chemical and nuclear weapons, fraud, ignorance, arrogance, apathy, depression and impositions — “to recover the goodness and strength of this planet that we share”.
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