    Gambia (Republic of The)
    His Excellency
    Adama Barrow
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    Statement summary

    ADAMA BARROW, President of Gambia, called on the international community to recommit to implementing the Summit of the Future resolutions to tackle climate change, poverty, transnational crimes and conflict. Underscoring the need for comprehensive reforms within the UN system — particularly the Security Council and the international financial institutions — he stated:  “We must equally strive for a more representative, just and inclusive United Nations to shape the world we so dearly want.”  Like many least developed countries, Gambia faces immense challenges that threaten its survival as a nation and require collective international efforts.  The global community must assist the least developed countries in addressing the burden of inequality, building more robust economies and creating policy space for economic growth.  Concurrently, investment must be increased in capacity-building to tackle the debt burden.

    He further underscored the need to bridge the digital divide and support technology transfer to advance development. Recognizing women’s indispensable role in socioeconomic development, he said that empowering women translates into community empowerment and — ultimately — inclusive development.  Spotlighting Gambia’s participation in collective international efforts, he recalled that in 2023, it cosponsored General Assembly consensus resolution 77/276, which sought to engage the International Court of Justice on the obligations of States regarding climate change.

    At the national level, Gambia is committed to promoting human rights and establishing a vibrant democratic environment.  The establishment of a National Human Rights Commission and entrenchment of a free, independent and impartial judiciary provide a solid framework and a sense of security for Gambia’s citizens, thus ensuring they have a place to seek redress for injustice.  Since 2017, Gambia has neither recorded a single political prisoner nor has any journalist or human rights activist been jailed.  Also, in August 2024, his country was recognized as one of Africa’s leading defenders of freedom of expression and ranked third in Article 19’s Global Expression Report 2024.

    Turning to the ongoing conflicts in Palestine, Sudan, the Sahel, Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Libya, he urged the international community to explore all diplomatic means to restore lasting peace.  He also underlined the need to prioritize support for the post-conflict reconstruction of Gaza and improve the West Bank’s economic conditions.  Even though the situation in that region is dire, the intense destruction of lives and property continues, he observed, calling on the international community to join forces and urgently bring about permanent peace in Palestine.  As Chair of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), he reiterated his commitment to exploring every possible diplomatic and peaceful channel to resolve the Middle East crisis.  He also highlighted his Government’s collaboration with relevant countries to improve the plight of migrants.  “Although we must discourage irregular migration, we are duty-bound to respect the rights of migrants and ensure they are treated with dignity,” he added.


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    Portrait of His Excellency Adama Barrow (President), Gambia (Republic of The)
    UN Photo

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