Statement summary
ALEXANDER SCHALLENBERG, Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of Austria, said that since last year, the world’s sense of being in a permanent state of emergency has only deepened. The Russian Federation’s relentless pursuit of its full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine is “a violation of the UN Charter, of the most basic rules that we have set ourselves, that continues to shock,” he said. As a militarily neutral country, Austria does not see neutrality as indifference. “We know very well that a world in which Russia succeeds in shifting borders with tanks and rockets is a world more dangerous to all of us,” he said. The basic principles of international law enshrined in the Charter should be the bedrock of any negotiation leading to a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. “And let me be very clear: there cannot be any negotiations about Ukraine without Ukraine,” he added.
Turning to the Middle East, he said the barbaric terror attack of Hamas against Israel has brought a new dimension of devastation to a region not lacking in violence. “International humanitarian law is non-negotiable. It applies all the time, everywhere. The protection of civilians is paramount,” he said, adding a ceasefire is needed to get the hostages out and more humanitarian aid in. “What we definitely don’t need is any side adding fuel to the fire,” he said. “It is wishful thinking to believe that a full-scale escalation between Israel and Hizbullah could be controlled.” The region has enough reasonable voices wanting to work towards a political solution that normalizes relations between Israel and the Arab world and finally realizes the two-State solution. The crises in Sudan and Haiti, which are equally disastrous, are not in the public spotlight.
The world is undergoing a time of uncertainty as the pendulum swings from global integration to global fragmentation. “Isolationism, protectionism and nationalism are growing,” he said, adding: “A zero-sum mentality is spreading.” Around the globe, there are forces at the fringes of the political spectrum capitalizing on people’s anxieties and doubts. “Their business model is quick fixes and apparent easy answers. Their agenda is sowing discord,” he said. Austria is no exception, noting the country’s upcoming Parliamentary elections this Sunday. A strong centre is needed to counter these voices and ensure the new era of anxiety does not become an era of fear. The international community must defend a rules-based international order, which is the best guarantee for mutual security, stability and prosperity. “Countries like Austria are dependent on this system,” he said, referring to systems that respect international law. “It is an illusion to believe anything can be gained by demolishing the rules-based international order,” he stressed.
In the face of the upheaval of the past few years, societies based on freedom, pluralism and individual rights have proven themselves stronger, more flexible and resilient than expected. “What we need most in this moment is trust and confidence. Trust in our own capacities,” he said. Austria stands ready to defend its own interests and find the middle ground. Defending the multilateral system means reforming a system of global governance that is not inclusive enough. The Council, for example, now reflects a world that is long gone. “It is unacceptable that we are held hostage so easily by the will of a handful of countries,” he said, adding that Austria is committed to making the Council more effective, inclusive and accountable, including through its candidature for a non-permanent seat at elections in 2026. His country will continue to champion sensible and pragmatic multilateralism based on its genuine will for cooperation and for dialogue, he stressed.
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