Statement summary
CHANDRIKAPERSAD SANTOKHI, President of Suriname, said the original purpose of the United Nations remains relevant to save current and future generations from the disastrous consequences of wars and armed conflicts. “We, however, observe instead that the world is marked by a complex political and security crisis weakening our global multilateral framework of collective solidarity, international law and respect for humanitarian law,” he stressed, adding that conflicts are symptoms of deeper systemic challenges, rising inequality, environmental degradation and the breakdown of global trust. “While projections estimate that almost 600 million people will continue to live in extreme poverty in 2030, it is incumbent on us to close the gap between aspiration and financing,” he said, emphasizing the urgent need for accelerated reforms and coordination within the international financial architecture.
“The multidimensional vulnerability index offers a comprehensive and inclusive framework that goes beyond traditional metrics to capture the true complexity of the vulnerabilities of small island developing and low-lying coastal States,” he said, urging to embed the index in the international financial institutions, especially the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Noting other financial obstacles like de-risking measures of international banks which are based on general assessments and do not consider the countries’ reality, he urged to reform the global financial and political system and to build greater trust in the multilateral system. “Because of our ranking, we were not eligible for several global financial instruments to the detriment of my people,” he stressed, adding that his Government has successfully started a policy of financial and economic reforms, having established a social safety net and increases several social benefits.
Recalling that Suriname is committed to the Paris Agreement on climate change and has recently started the process of carbon credit trading, he stressed that his country aims to remain carbon negative with a high level of biodiversity and more than 90 per cent forest coverage. “With this conscious choice to limit deforestation we sacrifice economic development for our people — for this we are not compensated while everyone benefits from our decision,” he observed, adding that carbon-negative and carbon-neutral countries must be supported for maintaining that status. “Suriname is among the three carbon-negative countries in the world — at the same time, Suriname is among the seven most vulnerable countries with respect to the effects of rising sea levels,” he underscored, expressing regret that a large part of the help is spent on funding time consuming and expensive studies, consultancies and advisory services, while the situation on the ground in the affected regions and countries is deteriorating and the requested assistance often comes too late.
Expressing concern over the humanitarian and security situation in Haiti, he noted that, through leadership of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), a road map towards free and fair elections has been initiated and a transition government with a clear mandate has been installed. “We cannot leave Haiti and its people alone and behind — Haiti fatigue is not an option,” he said, urging to financially and technically support Haiti. “Leaving no one behind should also include lifting the long-standing economic embargo against Cuba and its people,” he continued, spotlighting that the theme “Leave no one behind” is a call to action, but is also a challenge. “For smaller countries like Suriname, the global system often continues exclusion sometimes in new version and style,” he noted, calling for the spirit of “one for all and all for one”.
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