    San Marino
    His Excellency
    Luca Beccari
    Minister for Foreign Affairs
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    Statement summary

    LUCA BECCARI, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Political Affairs, International Economic Cooperation and Digital Transition of San Marino, voiced concern about the unprecedented rise in global military expenditure and the increase in dangerous nuclear rhetoric. He commended the Secretary-General for emphasizing the necessity to eliminate nuclear weapons in the New Agenda for Peace and reaffirmed San Marino’s commitment to a world free of nuclear weapons.  Turning to the war of aggression against Ukraine, he reaffirmed his country’s unwavering support for Ukraine’s political independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.  In the true spirit of multilateral and international cooperation, San Marino took part in the Summit on Peace in Ukraine in Switzerland last June, he added.

    He went on to condemn the 7 October 2023 terrorist attacks and called for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.  However, while San Marino recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself under humanitarian and international law, it cannot remain silent amid the deaths of more than 40,000 civilians, most of them children and women.  He called for an immediate ceasefire and a return to dialogue to address Israel’s legitimate concerns and Palestinians’ legitimate aspirations.  “A lasting and sustainable peace based on the two-State solution is the only long-term option for peace,” he stressed, adding his support for the admission of Palestine to the UN as a full member towards that end.  Recalling the May General Assembly resolution, which upgrades Palestine’s rights at the UN as Observer State, he urged the Security Council to favorably consider Palestine’s full membership.

    Turning to the concerning issues of international law violations, he added his support for the work of the International Criminal Court and for initiatives such as the Accountability, Coherence and Transparency Group’s Code of Conduct regarding Security Council action against genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity.  As well, climate action must be strengthened; San Marino was committed to decarbonizing the global economy by 2050 and halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030. Calling for a stronger focus on collective and effective global solutions, he said that global governance must become more inclusive and accountable by providing more space for civil society and the private sector.  To that end a more inclusive and equitable international financial architecture is also needed.  On UN reform, he said the Council must be more democratic, transparent, efficient and accountable.  Encouraging continuous dialogue among States, he stressed that “overcoming the respective initial positions is essential to negotiate the broadest agreement possible”.


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    Portrait of His Excellency Luca Beccari (Minister for Foreign Affairs), San Marino
    UN Photo

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