    His Excellency
    Prithvirajsing Roopun
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    Statement summary

    PRITHVIRAJSING ROOPUN, President of the Republic of Mauritius, said because the United Nations emerged from the ashes of war and untold sufferings, “we have a moral obligation to ensure that the ultimate sacrifice of millions of women and men was not in vain.”  He lamented that the international system is eroding in its once-embodied values of peace, justice, equity, respect for the rule of law and human dignity, with might taking over and impunity prevalent.  “The dignity of the weakest is being shamelessly flouted, on a scale never seen before,” he regretted, pointing out the heart-wrenching devastation and suffering in Gaza.  The international community must work towards a just, lasting peace in the region, with a two-State solution guaranteed to uphold human dignity and equality for all.  Mauritius welcomes the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian Territory and urges renewed commitment to diplomacy and constructive dialogue, he said.

    On the “unprecedented technological revolution” the world has witnessed in a short time, he advised that for humanity to benefit from its transformative power, the regulation of artificial intelligence must be anchored on international law.  He therefore welcomed the adoption of the Pact for the Future, “which is a renewed testimony to our collective resolve for the betterment of our world.”  Additionally, the configuration of global multilateral and financial institutions should reflect today’s realities and be more representative and responsive to the realities of all countries.  “This is the only way to pave for a more equitable and resilient world, where human dignity is upheld,” he said, going on to highlight his Government’s efforts to deepen economic, social and cultural inclusivity as well as improve education, healthcare and infrastructural development.

    Because no country can singularly overcome multiple crises, the climate emergency is one of the most pressing global threats, he observed.  It is particularly disheartening that small island States like his, which have contributed the least to global emissions, are affected the most.  A multilateral approach to confront these threats is therefore “an absolute necessity”.  “We must achieve the highest possible ambition while ensuring equity, common and differentiated responsibilities,” he implored, emphasizing that “this target is a lifeline for all of us, especially SIDS.”  He therefore called for an agreement on a fair, ambitious New Collective Quantified Goal on climate and welcomed the recent advisory opinion of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on Climate Change, describing it as a “juridical lighthouse, compelling all States to chart a new course, guided by science and the moral imperative of inter-generational equity”.

    Mauritius is committed to the implementation of the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for Small Island Developing States adopted earlier this year and welcomes innovative approaches and the use of the multidimensional vulnerability index for enhancing the effectiveness of access to concessional finance.  He described Africa as a land of untapped potential with its youth ready to contribute to global solutions and called upon the international community to participate in the continent’s transformative journey. Optimistic that the Pact for the Future “will serve as the guiding star leading us to an improved world for tomorrow’s generations”, he expressed confidence for a better, brighter and more equitable world.


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    Portrait of His Excellency Prithvirajsing Roopun (President), Mauritius
    UN Photo

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