    His Excellency
    Sadyr Zhaparov
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    Statement summary

    SADYR ZHAPAROV, President of Kyrgyzstan, said that the world is witnessing yearly increases in global military expenditure “while poor and vulnerable States lack the resources needed for their development and survival”. Pointing to the “two conflicting realities of our time” — limitless spending on military needs juxtaposed against a lack of aid for States in need — he underscored:  “It would be far better if the money spent on war, destruction and death were redirected towards creation or addressing global challenges for the benefit of all humanity.”  While world leaders have talked for decades on the need to eliminate poverty, “they lack the will to follow through”, he observed.  “The world is now faced with a critical choice,” he said:  “We can either choose to increase security through the expansion of armed forces or we can pursue sustainable development aimed at eradicating poverty and supporting the most vulnerable.”

    “If the resources spent on military expenditure were instead invested in providing access to clean water, educating children in developing countries, combating hunger or addressing climate change, it would make a significant difference,” he stressed.  Urging a “joint effort between wealthy and needy countries”, he said that developed nations must not only increase financial aid, but also focus on targeted infrastructure and social development projects.  And, for their part, countries in need must actively participate in international sustainable development initiatives and commit to using resources effectively, he said — “rather than scattering them without direction”.  Further, wealthy countries must transfer modern technology to those in need, enabling struggling nations to independently develop their economies and reduce dependence on external aid.  “The time has come to rethink global security priorities,” he emphasized, as true security is achieved not by powerful armies or weapons of mass destruction, but through trust, equality and prosperity.

    The international community, therefore, must pay greater attention to sustainable development in the Global South and advocate for the interests of least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States, he said.  Kyrgyzstan, for example, faces a triple challenge of investing in development, reducing poverty and adapting to climate change.  Each of these areas requires special financing — especially the latter — and he urged the promotion of a “debt-for-green-economy exchange mechanism” as well as the replacement of external debt with projects aimed at sustainable development.  Noting that over 95 per cent of his country’s energy is produced by hydropower plants — the main driver towards achieving net-zero emissions — he also detailed efforts to develop electric transport infrastructure, promote sustainable agriculture and enhance ecotourism.  Additionally, “green” cities are being built on the shores of Issyk-Kul lake and the Kemin district; a hydropower station is being built together with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan; and the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway will enhance trade and transport cooperation.

    He went on to note his country’s efforts to protect the snow leopard, both a symbol of long-term sustainable development in the region and Kyrgyzstan’s national symbol.  To this end, Kyrgyzstan will submit a General Assembly resolution to proclaim an “International Snow Leopard Day”, and he urged support for this initiative.  Also spotlighting the “daily challenges” faced by people who live in mountainous regions — water shortages, food insecurity, poverty, lack of access to basic services — he stressed that these countries “should not be left alone with their problems”.  Concluding, he offered words from the Epic of Manas, which embody the “profound depth of friendship, unity and solidarity among peoples”: “Let us unite our strength, as one head from one shoulder and one hand from one sleeve — wherever there is unity, there is prosperity.”


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    Portrait of His Excellency Sadyr Zhaparov (President), Kyrgyzstan
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