    His Excellency
    Ratu Wiliame Maivalili Katonivere
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    Statement summary

    RATU WILIAME MAIVALILI KATONIVERE, President of Fiji, said that from Gaza to Sudan, Ukraine, Afghanistan and beyond — conflicts rage on, as humanitarian needs escalate.  Reminding that in 2024, at least 72 countries, whose combined population comprises almost half of the world’s total population, have already or will soon select their own leaders at the polls, he noted that the world is in need of courageous leaders who are willing to garner the political will and mobilize the resources to bridge the divide and seek solutions that benefit humankind.  “Strong international cooperation, diplomacy and a commitment to upholding the principles of the United Nations are not only important but indispensable,” he said, urging to go back to the basics — the foundation and purpose of the Charter of the United Nations, which is only as strong as its Member States.

    “For 79 years, the global community has placed its trust in multilateralism and in the United Nations to foster cooperation, uphold human rights and promote global stability,” he recalled, pointing to the current age of distrust, fuelled by the increasing disconnect between people’s expectations and the inadequate responses of the multilateral system.  He also called for countering misinformation and disinformation, as trust is a prerequisite for effective multilateralism.  “The stakes are high for developing countries, including small island developing States and least developed countries that continue to be left behind in the development race, as we grapple with multiple crises,” he went on to say, underscoring that recovery from the frequency and magnitude of climate-related shocks, including disasters, are a costly affair.

    Spotlighting that the Blue Pacific Continent knows the value of peace, having lived through the horrors of its absence as a theatre of the two world wars and a testing ground for the most dangerous weapons, he stressed that on 25 September 2024 there was a unilateral test-firing of a ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean.  “We urge respect for our region and call for cessation of such action,” he said, adding that Fiji may be a small State but, through its leadership and stewardship roles in the region, makes a profound contribution to regionalism and multilateralism.  “We commit to the principles of the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent,” he emphasized, calling for concerted efforts at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to finalize part two of the Fisheries Subsidies Agreement, which addresses subsidies to overfishing and overcapacity.

    He also reiterated the importance of understanding the vast ocean space, guided by science and data, in order to undertake risk-informed decisions.  “Deep, rapid and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in line with 1.5°C must be vigorously pursued and accelerated,” he said, adding that the phase-out of unabated coal power, transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems, will contribute to the achievement of net zero targets by 2050, when around 240 of Fiji’s coastal communities will be displaced due to sea-level rise while 42 communities are in urgent need of relocation.  “With the limitations of the multilateral climate financing architecture, Fiji has established the world’s first national Relocation Trust Fund to support our relocation costs,” he stressed, pledging to work closely with the United Nations and all Member States to advance efforts towards building a better, safer and fairer world for all.


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    Portrait of His Excellency Ratu Wiliame Maivalili Katonivere (President), Fiji
    UN Photo

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