    His Excellency
    Aziz Akhannouch
    Head of Government
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    Statement summary

    AZIZ AKHANOUCH, Head of Government of Morocco, affirmed his Government’s total support for the Secretary-General’s initiatives to tackle global challenges, including through the Summit.  He noted that the collective security once enhanced by the United Nations has given way to uncertainty in many areas — including challenges related to consumption, production, governance, the structure of society and the changing climate.  “Climate change has imposed a new reality,” he said, adding that some people question whether multilateralism has run up against its limits in today’s world.  Morocco’s diplomatic doctrine remains multilateral at its core as it works to cooperate with its partners and set up effective frameworks.  His country, he stressed, aims to tackle security and development challenges at the same time.  It does not seek short-term opportunism.

    While facing constraints and new challenges, multilateralism needs new momentum and reform, he said.  All strata of society can contribute to solutions and the Summit demonstrated the need for all groups, including women and youth, to develop solutions to contemporary problems.  The international community must support African States as they are the most affected by the results of climate change, even though they have made minor contributions to it.  He also called for creating innovative financing mechanisms to resolve the debt crisis and financial constraints African States face.  “And reforms to the international financial architecture are necessary so developing countries can achieve the financing that lets their economies recover,” he said, calling on multilateral financial institutions to develop more flexible financing strategies for these countries.  For its part, Morocco, as chair of the Group of Friends of Middle-Income Countries, is aiming to find solutions to help bolster their economies.

    Rabat is working to combat terrorism and implement social justice workshops that can help people, he said.  It has launched the Atlantic Initiative to give Sahel countries — Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Chad — access to the Atlantic Ocean.  The Initiative aims to integrate the Sahel region and is a pillar for peace, development and security.  Morocco is also working with Nigeria to help many African countries develop.  His Government is committed to the peaceful resolution of conflicts, such as in the Moroccan Sahara, and allow for its development.  “We support the Secretary-General’s efforts to relaunch the political roundtables to achieve a realistic political solution in the region, based on relevant Council resolutions,” he said.

    Turning to the Middle East, he expressed concern with the serious situation impacting the Occupied Palestinian Territory since the end of last year.  A solution is needed to achieve peace in Gaza and lasting peace in the region.  Morrocco remains in solidarity with Lebanon and respects its territorial integrity.  On UN reform, he said the international community must “rethink our working methods,” adding “the United Nations has a collective responsibility and reform is needed as we approach the eightieth anniversary of the Organization.”


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    Portrait of His Excellency Aziz Akhannouch (Head of Government), Morocco
    UN Photo

    Previous sessions

    Access the statements from previous sessions.

    First Declaration

    The representative of Morocco responded to the comments made earlier by Algeria’s representative, who stated that the Sahara needed to be decolonized.  “Algeria needs to wake up from its sleep” as “it is still stuck in the cold war”, he said, adding that the Moroccan Sahara has been independent for 50 years. Algeria also accused Morocco of falsifying reality, he said, detailing “the reality the country does not want to see”, including the economic development in the Moroccan Sahara, which has the longest bridge in Africa, motorways, hospitals, universities and solar energy.  On the terrorist threats in the Sahel-Sahara region, he said they are caused by Algeria, whose borders are full of terrorists and separatists.


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    Second Declaration

    The representative of Morocco said that his statement “mentioned Algeria 20 times” — and not other countries — “because we are in a building where each country is free to express themselves and say what they want to say”.  Stating that Algeria “is the source of our problems”, as it created and finances the Frente POLISARIO, he said that other countries are not doing this.  He added that it is “unfortunate” that the Algerian representative is “falsifying the reality of the political process”.


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