    His Excellency
    César Bernardo Arévalo de León
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    Statement summary

    CÉSAR BERNARDO ARÉVALO DE LEÓN, President of Guatemala, said that his country’s democracy would not be complete, nor could it exist, without the determined and courageous support of the people of Guatemala.  In the case of Guatemala, corruption has its roots in a past of authoritarianism, repression, political violence and social exclusion.  “But, we are freeing ourselves from the chains of that dark past,” he said.  On the international level, it is time to rescue multilateralism, to revitalize dialogue for peace and to take concrete actions to solve urgent problems.  He expressed support for the reform of the Security Council.  It is unacceptable that decisions in favour of peace are not adopted because a few can exercise power of the veto.  The Security Council has a responsibility to maintain international peace and security, he stressed, noting Guatemala’s contributions to United Nations peacekeeping missions.

    Guatemala believes in a future where migration is an option, not a sentence driven by a lack of opportunities, violence or hunger.  In the last decade, Guatemala has gone from being a country of origin for migrants to increasingly becoming a transit and return country, and to a lesser extent, also a destination.  “Our commitment is to give dignified treatment to all people,” he said. Guatemala is making substantial changes in the care and protection it provides to migrants.  All migrants deserve the opportunity for a dignified life regardless of the causes that drive them to migrate.  He noted that Guatemala recently welcomed 135 Nicaraguans who were released from arbitrary imprisonment by their Government.

    Guatemala is committed to resolving the territorial, insular and maritime dispute with Belize before the International Court of Justice, he said.  This process must lead to a fair and definitive solution, respectful of the rights and dignity of both countries.  Turning to the climate crisis, he said the scourge puts systems, economies, food supply and survival at risk.  Climate change is a devastating reality that affects humanity, he added. Further, he called on the most powerful countries to assume the leadership and responsibility that corresponds to them. “The time to act is now,” he added.

    “Guatemala is changing, and that change implies a transformation of our relationship with the world,” he continued. Guatemala is committed to the values of peace and global solidarity.  It has a very recent authoritarian past.  However, with significant support from the international community, it has taken a turn towards the promotion and defence of human rights.  Guatemala is also committed to fulfilling the SDGs, with the recent adoption of the Pact for the Future, within the framework of the Summit of the Future.


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    Portrait of His Excellency César Bernardo Arévalo de León (President), Guatemala
    UN Photo

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