    European Union
    His Excellency
    Charles Michel
    President of the European Council
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    Statement summary

    CHARLES MICHEL, President of the European Council of the European Union, highlighting the major conflicts of the day that together form “an explosive cocktail”, pointed to the wars in Ukraine, Gaza and the Middle East and Sudan.  It is a permanent member of the Security Council that has launched an illegal war in Ukraine, he said, adding that “this war is a threat to each and every one of us.” The Union will support Ukraine for as long as necessary, he said, reaffirming commitment to a comprehensive, just and lasting peace, based on the UN Charter.  Also condemning the terrorist attacks by Hamas and demanding the release of all hostages, he stressed that Israel has the right to defend itself.  Calling for an immediate ceasefire, in line with the International Court of Justice ruling, he added that every civilian life counts.  Condemning indiscriminate attacks that hit civilian populations, he expressed support for the two-State solution.  Dragging Lebanon into this spiral is irresponsible, he said, adding:  “I say this to the Government of Israel:  trying to achieve security while neglecting peace is an illusion.”

    Turning to the civil war in Sudan, he said this massive humanitarian catastrophe has seen 20,000 deaths to date, with 25 million people in emergency situations, including about 8 million displaced people.  External actors are involved in this war, including supplying weapons, he noted, adding that the entire Horn of Africa risks descending into chaos.  “The life of a child killed in a school bombing is precious — be it in Ukraine, Gaza or elsewhere,” he said, adding “our outrage is only sincere if it is universal”.  Stressing the need for a representative Security Council, he said it must free itself from the paralysis caused by the veto.  “The Security Council is increasingly stillborn, like a zombie,” he said, adding that Africa and Latin America must have permanent seats, and regional organizations must be more integrated into decision-making processes.

    “Climate change and pandemics have opened our eyes to the necessity of solidarity,” he said, drawing attention to his idea for an international pandemic treaty and negotiations towards this.  It is also crucial to ensure that the digital revolution — and its flagship product, artificial intelligence — drive progress and not inequality and war, he said.  Healthy technological competition must take place within a commonly agreed framework of fair play and global dialogue.  Highlighting the importance of strategic partnerships, he said that the Union is seeking to rebalance its economic relations with China and diversify its supply chains.  “We ask China not to support Russia, either directly or indirectly, in its illegal war against Ukraine,” he said.

    Also stressing the importance of global financial equity, he said: “When Kenyan farmers do not have access to microcredits at affordable rates to develop their farms and adapt to climate change, it is not a sectoral issue; it is a global development challenge.”  The Bretton Woods system needs reform, he said, calling for more ambitious debt restructuring and special drawing rights (SDRs) reallocation.  Solidarity is not only about financial or technological transfers, he said, calling for improved governance to better the business environment, strengthen legal security, combat corruption and mobilize domestic resources in developing countries.  “Everyone must look in the mirror,” he said, calling on States to work towards a multipolar world with a multilateral framework.


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    Portrait of His Excellency Charles Michel (President of the European Council), European Union
    UN Photo

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