    His Excellency
    Wang Yi
    Minister for Foreign Affairs
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    Statement summary

    WANG YI, Minister for Foreign Affairs of China, said that, today, “humanity has once again come to a critical crossroad”, facing a turbulent world where security challenges, imbalanced development and ineffective governance are increasingly prominent.  With emerging hotspots of conflicts and geopolitical tensions, the future of this planet has become a cause of concern.  Concurrently, he observed, “the aspirations of the Global South nations for modernization have never been stronger”.  Noting that the UN embodies people's aspirations worldwide for lasting peace and shared prosperity, he stressed that the Organization’s role should be strengthened.  Accordingly, he underscored the need to implement a security architecture that ensures enduring stability, fosters a development paradigm of prosperity and adopts an approach to civilizations that promotes mutual learning. He also called for “a new type of international relations characterized by mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation.  In today’s world, the security of all countries is intertwined and “no one can enjoy security alone”, he said, noting that countries must be guided by common security and respect each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    “Achieving modernization is the legitimate right of the people of all countries, not a prerogative of a few,” he continued, advocating for inclusive economic globalization.  To this end, he underscored the need to oppose unilateralism and protectionism and help developing countries leap over the developing divide.  It is vital to strive to replace the clash of civilizations with mutual learning and reject ideology-based confrontation.  All countries — regardless of their size — have their place in a multipolar system, he asserted, opposing hegemonism and power politics.  Noting that “an end to the Ukraine crisis remains elusive”, he urged de-escalation and reiterated Beijing’s commitment to promoting peace talks. The question of Palestine is “the biggest wound to human conscience,” causing more casualties with each passing day, he said, emphasizing that “there must be no delay in a comprehensive ceasefire”.

    He further underscored that the Korean Peninsula should not experience war again, calling for persistent efforts for de-escalation.  “Asia has the wisdom and capability to stabilize the situation,” he stated, noting that China has never opted to be an indifferent spectator.  Instead, it has played a more significant part in global governance than ever before. Stressing that sanctions and pressure will not bring monopolistic advantages and suppressing and containing others will not solve problems at home, he urged the United States to completely lift its blockade of and sanctions against Cuba.  He further emphasized that Taiwan is an integral part of China’s territory, reiterating that the Cairo Declaration stated explicitly that all the territories Japan had stolen from the Chinese should be restored to his country.  “There is no room for ambiguity,” he asserted, adding that “the complete reunification of China will be achieved, and Taiwan will eventually return to the embrace of the mother.”  And “no force can stop it”, he added.

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    Portrait of His Excellency Wang Yi (Minister for Foreign Affairs), China
    UN Photo

    Previous sessions

    Access the statements from previous sessions.

    First Declaration

    The representative of China, noting that the South China Sea arbitration was unilaterally initiated by the Philippines, said the Tribunal exceeded its authority and made an unjust ruling.  China does not accept or recognizes this ruling.  Underscoring that his country has an indisputable ruling over the South China Sea islands and their adjacent waters, he said that the recent escalation is entirely the responsibility of the Philippines.


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    Second Declaration

    The representative of China, taking the floor for the second time, said that his country does not accept or recognize the South China Sea Arbitration.  Noting that the UN Convention of the Law of the Seas does not represent the entirety of international maritime law, he said that the arbitration initiated by the Philippines is poised to the issue of territorial claims, which are not subjected to the regulations of the Convention.


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