    His Excellency
    Francis Fonseca
    Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
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    Statement summary

    FRANCIS FONSECA, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Belize, stressing that “the self-determination of a people is sacrosanct”, noted that through the exercise of this right, nations enjoy the privilege of sitting in the General Assembly’s Hall.  Belize — a member of the Alliance of Small Island States — is one of the 39 countries that has been on the front lines of the climate change.  However, the genesis of this crisis laid with the industrialized nations.  Emphasizing that G-20 accounts for 80 per cent of global emissions, he added:  “This is a tale of two worlds; but we only have one planet to share.”  It is important that the growth of the G-20 economies be calibrated to a world where small island developing States also have a secure future.  “Our people have gone beyond their duty to protect and preserve our environment, yet some are being forced to relocate from their homelands,” he added.

    Recalling that the UN “rose up from the ashes of war to restore faith in fundamental human rights”, he stressed that all Member States have a duty to give effect to these words.  Belize is working through the Caribbean Community to reinforce and strengthen Haiti, while also contributing personnel to the Multinational Security Support Mission.  Also stressing that Cuba must be removed from the list of State sponsors of terrorism, he said that this arbitrary and unilateral designation created barriers to global cooperation in the region.  He further called for the eradication of the system of colonial domination of the Palestinian people and the apartheid imposed upon them.

    “We have adopted a rescue plan to steer the SDGs back on course. We have a Pact for the Future,” he continued.  However, small island developing States must be at the table in global economic and international financial institutions.  “Belize is moving ahead.  We are on a transformative development trajectory” he reported, adding that the country has “dramatically” improved its credit profile through the Belize Blue Bond Project — a debt marine conservation swap.  In partnership with the United States, it has signed a five-year $125 million grant agreement with the Millennium Challenge Corporation to reduce poverty.  Also, the Belize Education Upliftment Project “Together we rise” is a key example in ensuring that every child has access to quality education.  “We are aggressively closing the digital divide,” he declared. 


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    Portrait of His Excellency Francis Fonseca (Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade), Belize
    UN Photo

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