Statement summary
LEJEUNE MBELLA MBELLA, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Cameroon, said that the international community has mobilized itself to reach consensus on several major challenges including climate and sustainable development. Africa is gradually implementing its own 2063 Agenda and other Africa-wide agreements to achieve peace and security, good governance and shared prosperity for all. Despite these efforts, the expected accomplishments are yet to appear. “Why is that,” he asked, underscoring the insufficient means to implement the Sustainable Development Goals. Developed countries have not lived up to their official development assistance (ODA) pledges. The institutions and mechanisms, meant to promote peace, security and development, are not as relevant as they used to be because of the growing complexity of today’s world.
Member States must resolve conflicts through dialogue, promote a renewed global financial architecture and “work endlessly” to seek equitable development, he emphasized. “We need to act together to reform the Security Council to give the countries of the South, and in particular African countries, equitable representation,” he continued. Africa is the only continent that has not had permanent representation on the Council. Meanwhile, two thirds of the Council’s activities take place on the continent. “It is an injustice that needs to be rectified,” he stressed, calling for two permanent posts and three non-permanent posts for Africa on the Council.
As a pioneer in operationalizing the African Continental Free Trade Area, Cameroon has passed all the needed reforms for economic and social development and good governance based on decentralization, he went on to say. In the security area, fighting Boko Haram is something Cameroon continues to prioritize together with regional partners. The outcome of these efforts can already be seen on the ground even as Cameroon recognizes that additional efforts must be made. Peace and prosperity are gradually returning throughout the country despite episodic outbreaks of violence and hostage taking. The effective implementation of the President’s guidelines on development is key. “Certainly these efforts will not be in vain,” he added. The world is changing fast, he continued, calling for solidarity among nations.
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