Statement summary
TAMIM BIN HAMAD AL THANI, Amir of the State of Qatar, said the world has become a global village and its issues and concerns are entwined. Changes in the world now come at an accelerated pace and economic crises and confrontations reverberate globally. Yet not all countries are developing at the same pace and global policy is still being managed to the logic of uneven capacity. The logic of one humanity and one world is not being used. Global crises are not being managed based on the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and State sovereignty. The wisdom of world leaders is needed. He was aware of the complexities of the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Calling for an immediate ceasefire, he said that perpetuating the crisis will only increase the number of casualties.
Turning to the Middle East, he said leaders did not need to be reminded that the Palestinian question needs to be settled and he stood in full solidarity with the Palestinian people to achieve justice. The Security Council must shoulder its responsibility in this area. Turning to Syria, he said the sacrifices of that country’s people cannot be ignored and the crisis cannot be accepted. This is what can happen when the international community lacks a long-range vision to end a war, he said, noting that then the refugees become the issue that requires attention. It is important to address the reasons for a crisis before dealing with the crisis. In Libya, he called for immediate measures to move towards elections and unify military forces into one national army. There was a glimmer of hope in Yemen and he hoped the country would move towards peace and all relevant Council resolutions, including resolution 2216 (2015), would be observed. He believed in a just agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme and that a region free of nuclear weapons can be established. He recognized the right of the people of Iran to benefit from nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Turning to Afghanistan, he called on all parties to build on the Doha peace process and ensure that that country does not become a haven for terrorist groups. There needs to be protection of Afghan citizens and national reconciliation with all parties.
Turning to the global energy situation, he said the lack of planning on the matter has now led to an unprecedented energy crisis. The Ukrainian crisis is new, but a political crisis turning into an energy crisis is not new. The international community must develop a sufficient energy supply that includes a combination of sources, from solar to wind to hydrocarbons. Qatar has invested in its liquefied natural gas production and is expanding its field. This will help alleviate the global energy crisis. He added that it is not acceptable to use commodities, such as food and energy, as tools of war. The Qatar Government uses a balanced approach to settle disputes with peaceful means.
Later in 2022, Qatar will welcome the World Cup. His Government is ready to open the door in Doha to people around the world without discrimination. This will be the first time the event is being held in an Arab Muslim country. The world will see that small- and medium-size countries can host global events that encourage interactions among all people of the world. Despite differences among people, bridges of understanding can be built.
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