Statement summary
KIM SONG (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) said that the world is faced with health crises, losses due to climate change and the worst global security environment since the Second World War. Despite challenges and difficulties, his country, relying on a superior system, scored successes in protecting the life and safety of its people and saw economic growth, he continued. However, currently the Korean Peninsula is stuck in a vicious cycle of confrontation with the United States. The United States just days ago accused the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea of blatantly violating United Nations “sanctions”, however Pyongyang never recognized such “resolutions” of the Organization that imposed pressure because his country does not abide by its “rules” made unilaterally by Washington, D.C. Moreover, he said the Security Council lost its competency and authority to act because of its failure to be impartial and objective — two principles on which the United Nations is founded. Pyongyang will continue to extend its firm support to and solidarity with the people of Cuba, Syria and Palestine, as well as other countries that struggle to repel foreign interference. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s foreign policy is based on independence, peace and friendship and Pyongyang will even cooperate with capitalist States if they respect his country, he concluded.
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