General Assembly
    Syrian Arab Republic
    His Excellency
    Fayssal Mekdad
    Minister for Foreign Affairs
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    Statement summary

    FAYSSAL MEKDAD, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of Syria, said the pandemic revealed both human solidarity and a sinister push to settle political scores, accuse other countries of creating the virus and continue imposing sanctions.  On a national level, Syria’s fight against terrorism remains a challenge as some States continue to support terrorist groups.  Syria has positively engaged in the Astana process, despite Turkey’s support for terrorist organizations, he noted, emphasizing that any foreign presence on its territory violates the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.  Warning against harbouring illusions of secession in north-east Syria, he said the Government remains open to all genuine political initiatives aimed at helping to overcome the crisis.  Syria’s doors remain wide open for the voluntary return of all refugees and the Government is making efforts to address humanitarian issues.  However, humanitarian action in Syria must fully respect its national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, he stated.

    Highlighting other issues, he condemned the use of chemical weapons, underscoring that his country was cooperating with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on outstanding matters.  Syria also remains firmly committed to fully recover the occupied Syrian Golan, he said, adding that Israel must be held accountable for its violations.  Calling for an end to Israel’s war crimes in the occupied Palestinian territory, he said that Syria holds countries supporting Israel responsible for these acts.

    He also expressed concerns about United States actions against several countries, voicing full support for Iran in the face of illegal measures against it and condemning the militarization of the Korean Peninsula, the Cuba embargo and unilateral sanctions targeting Belarus, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Nicaragua, Syria and Venezuela.  The international community must promote dialogue and understanding among States based on mutual respect in order to build a new more balanced, democratic and just world order, he said.


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