General Assembly
    His Excellency
    Danny Faure
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    Statement summary

    DANNY FAURE, President of Seychelles, said that 100 years since the birth of Nelson Mandela, his legacy of democracy, equality and peace is more relevant than ever.  He urged Member States to reflect on the true purpose of the United Nations and called for a renewed commitment to the Organization’s Charter and its founding principles.  Cooperation is critical to the continued peace and prosperity of all nations, he said. 

    The international system faces challenges that require targeted approaches to benefit vulnerable populations and fully embrace the promises of the Sustainable Development Goals, he continued.  Because strong institutions are essential to vibrant democracies and ensuring respect for international law, advanced economies should support the strengthening of institutions in developing countries through sharing of expertise and best practices.

    Peace and prosperity cannot be disassociated from the effects of climate change and its existential threat to the world as a whole, he stressed.  Neglecting the effects of climate change will pass on to the next generation a world beyond repair.  If States do not uphold climate commitments, they will face an inescapable crisis.

    Turning to the theme of the seventy-third session of the General Assembly — “Making the United Nations relevant to all people:  Global leadership and shared responsibility for peaceful, equitable and sustainable societies” — he said the words “sustainable societies” are particularly relevant to small island developing States.  His country aligns itself with the African Union in its call for United Nations Security Council reform, including equitable representation of African States.

    On economic development, he said that Seychelles pioneered a Blue Economy Strategic Framework and Roadmap to multiply the potential of its territorial waters while also protecting them for future generations.  The country is shifting from dependence on bilateral aid to developing innovative sources of financing for its emerging blue economy.  As well, Seychelles continues to call for a vulnerability and resilience index that accounts for the unique vulnerabilities of small island developing States, he said.


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    Portrait of His Excellency Danny Faure (President), Seychelles
    UN Photo

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