General Assembly
    Her Excellency
    Niermala Badrising
    Minister for Foreign Affairs
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    Statement summary

    NIERMALA BADRISING, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Suriname, expressed concern about the multiple challenges and threats facing the world, including the global recession and economic slowdown, growing inequality and transnational organized crime and terrorism.  The Sustainable Development Goals provided an opportunity to fight for a just world, but if they were to be achieved, the global social and economic order would have to be structurally reformed to create inclusive societies and equal opportunities for all.  Calling for greater respect for international law, she emphasized the importance of respecting national sovereignty and the territorial integrity of States.

    Climate change and the global economic recession posed serious challenges to her country, she said.  Suriname was a carbon-negative country, but because of its small size and low-lying coastal zone, it was particularly vulnerable to global environmental challenges and external economic shocks.  She called upon the international community to develop technical and financial support mechanisms to help developing countries implement essential adaptation policies and programmes, compensate them for loss and damage, provide technology and safeguard food production and security.  Thanks to the steady recovery of commodity prices, as well as grants and loans from international funding institutions, Suriname would return to its previous development path within two years, she predicted.


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    Portrait of Her Excellency Niermala Badrising (Minister for Foreign Affairs), Suriname
    UN Photo

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