    Viet Nam
    His Excellency
    Lam To
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    Statement summary

    TO LAM, President of Viet Nam, said the world is undergoing transformative changes of historic significance with strategic competition among major Powers becoming broader, fiercer and more confrontational.  “The rise of power politics and egoistic nationalism are challenging international law and eroding multilateral institutions and diminishing faith in global cooperation”, he said, observing how poor countries are left further behind with a widening development gap.  He recalled the super Typhoon Yagi, which devastatingly ravaged his and other countries in the region, saying it serves as a stark warning of the severe impact that natural disasters and climate change can have on sustainable development.  Contrasting the record 2023 global defence expenditure of $2.4 trillion with the ensuing struggle to pool $100 billion for climate action, he decried the fact that 80 per cent of the SDGs may not be met by 2030.

    However, with economic pressures and sanctions threatening rapid and sustainable development, the fourth industrial revolution offers opportunities for quantum progress, he noted, “but it also poses security and safety challenges for society and individuals”, which “compel us to unite, act and work together, upholding the role of international institutions”.  He went on to relay his country’s vision for the future to include an increased observance of international law and adherence to the UN Charter by all States, particularly the major Powers.  “Each state must act responsibly, fulfil its commitments and abide by international law and the UN Charter, including fundamental principles such as the peaceful settlement of disputes, non-use of force, sovereign equality, territorial integrity and respect for the political systems chosen by the people of each nation,” he stressed.

    Further, there must be equitable development for every State, community and individual, as well as an effective utilization and deployment of resources for the same.  “We must prioritize resources where they are most needed for implementing the SDGs, with particular attention to assisting developing and less-developed countries, especially through preferential loans, transfer of advanced technologies, investment and trade facilitation and debt relief for poor countries,” he stated.  There is an urgent need for the creation of smart, long-term, global governance frameworks for science and technology, particularly emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence to forestall threats to peace, sustainable development and humanity.  He therefore welcomed the Global Digital Compact adopted at the Summit of the Future.  This, he said, “will serve as a crucial basis for advancing global governance and international cooperation in these areas”.

    He called for innovative thinking in all sectors of society and the prioritization of multilateral reforms mechanisms, particularly for the UN system and international financial and monetary institutions, to ensure better representation, equity and transparency.  “Enhancing their capability, effectiveness and future readiness is essential for remaining relevant in our changing world,” he said.  Turning to economic restrictions, he reaffirmed solidarity with the State and people of Cuba and called on the United States to lift embargoes and sanctions against that country, expunging it from the list of State sponsors of terrorism.  Underscoring the role of unity and cooperation in successfully building a world of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations, he assured of Viet Nam’s commitment toward “a future of peace, stability, prosperity and sustainability — not only for our own people but also for all nations worldwide”.


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    Portrait of His Excellency Lam To (President), Viet Nam
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