    Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
    His Excellency
    Yvan Gil Pinto
    Minister of the People's Power for Foreign Affairs
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    Statement summary

    YVAN GIL PINTO, Minister of the People's Power for Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, said that over the past few days the Assembly has heard two narratives — the first is the discourse of the oligarchs and their satellites, led by the United States while the second is that of dignified people fighting for their sovereignty and independence.  White supremacy, racism and xenophobia have been normalized with the support of large international media monopolies and social networks, he said, adding that imperialism and neocolonialism seek to fabricate conflict. “As we speak in the Assembly, bombs are being dropped on Gaza,” he said, noting the complicity of the United States and the European Union in the murder of tens of thousands of innocents.  They intend to export destruction to an entire region, expanding the bombing to Lebanon and destabilizing Iran.  “A new form of terrorism has been applied in Lebanon, with the complicity of private companies that manage the supply chains of mass consumer technologies,” he said, adding that “Israel has truly become a death machine.”

    Also condemning the expansion of war in Europe due to military blocs such as NATO, he added that after the defeat of Ukraine's Nazi adventure, “they now intend to bring war and terrorism to great Russia”. NATO's expansion also threatens peace in South America with the installation of military bases, he said, noting the complicity of Argentina and Ecuador in that.  Welcoming the fact that “for the first time in the history of this Assembly”, the Palestine delegation is sitting with other States, he called for its immediate full membership in the UN.  Highlighting his country's “profound anti-colonial vocation”, he called for the restitution of sovereignty rights over the Chagos Archipelago and the Malvinas Islands to Mauritius and Argentina respectively.  The harmful effects of the United Kingdom’s colonialism persist across the world, as illustrated in the plunder of Guayana Esequiba. In December 2023, the people of his country expressed themselves by referendum, granting his Government the mandate to recover that territory, he said, adding that the United States and Guyana are threatening regional peace through the military presence of extraregional actors.

    Drawing attention to the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States and the European Union, he called for the unconditional lifting of all sanctions and blockades that are being enforced against more than one-third of humanity, including 30 million Venezuelans.  On 28 July, the people of his country elected President Nicolás Maduro for the 2025‑2031 term, he said, adding that several United States and European mercenaries were behind the post-election violence.  Such terrorist plots were being planned at the same time as negotiations between his country and the United States in Doha last year through which the two countries sought to move towards a normalization phase of relations. “This is further proof that the empire’s word and supposed goodwill cannot be trusted,” he said.  Despite that country’s psychological operations, he said, Venezuela enjoys peace and economic growth.  It is time for the Global South to consolidate a world of peace and economic prosperity, free of hegemonies, he said.


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    Portrait of His Excellency Yvan Gil Pinto (Minister of the People's Power for Foreign Affairs), Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
    UN Photo

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