    Her Excellency
    Dominique Hasler
    Minister for Foreign Affairs
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    Statement summary

    DOMINIQUE HASLER, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Education, and Sport of Liechtenstein, recalling that she was just about to enter high school when her country became a member of the United Nations 34 years ago, said a key motivation was the wish to safeguard its sovereignty.  This theme resonates strongly among many small States today, she said, adding that the Organization has been a key foreign policy platform for her country.  “We have made a significant political investment,” she said, highlighting the veto initiative Liechtenstein put forward recently.  The aggression against Ukraine by the Russian Federation has not only destroyed the European security architecture; it has undermined the international legal order.  As a small State without armed forces, respect for international law is the guarantor of Liechtenstein’s sovereignty, she pointed out, adding that its unequivocal stance in support of Ukraine is a commitment not just to the international order “but ultimately to our own security”.

    Two years of this brutal war of aggression has brought immeasurable human suffering, economic devastation and environmental damage, she said, many of these outcomes irreversible.  Stressing the importance of bringing about a just peace, she said that it must be based on international law and must ensure criminal accountability for those who initiated this war of aggression.  “This alone will give small States everywhere the confidence and belief that their sovereignty and territorial integrity will be protected and safeguarded here at the United Nations,” she said.  Expressing support for a strong Security Council, she said there is little indication that it will be able to come together in the way current challenges require.  Instead of criticizing and lamenting what is a political reality, the international community must think about alternatives.  This Assembly is the key platform in this respect, she said, noting that it has taken the lead on Ukraine and has adopted important decisions on the Gaza war.  Under the terms of the veto initiative, the Assembly has been given the option to act whenever the Council is paralyzed by the veto, she noted.

    “We have witnessed with horror that terrorist attack on the civilian population of Israel on 7 October, and we are shocked and appalled by the suffering of the civilian population of Gaza,” she said.  Reaffirming support for the two-State solution, she called for full respect for international humanitarian law and the immediate release of all hostages.  Expressing support for the efforts of the International Criminal Court to investigate according to its mandate, she said there is no other conflict where the UN has a clearer and longer-lasting responsibility.  Calling on the international community to uphold international law, she said:  “It is us in this room that have the power and means necessary.”  It is encouraging that small States are standing up for the rule of law and against the rule of might, she added, noting that the International Court of Justice has been consulted for guidance in challenges ranging from the applicability of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide to climate change.

    The women of Afghanistan do not have a voice at all, she said, adding:  “I therefore want to speak up for them from this podium.”  The denial of even their most basic rights is unacceptable for this Organization, she said, adding that the UN must support action to fight this extreme case of gender persecution.  Women across the world have been speaking up as agents of change for many years, and experience has shown that entrusting more leadership positions to women will get better results for everyone.  Further, it is a credibility challenge for the United Nations that a woman has yet to lead this Organization, she said, adding:  “After decades of talking about gender equality, the United Nations should shine as an example of that.”



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    Portrait of Her Excellency Dominique Hasler (Minister for Foreign Affairs), Liechtenstein
    UN Photo

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