General Assembly
    Her Excellency
    Mette Frederiksen
    Prime Minister
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    Statement summary

    METTE FREDERIKSEN, Prime Minister of Denmark, said that international solidarity had the power to move the world forward and overcome the pandemic.  Global cooperation was urgently needed.  “We must ensure global access to vaccines.  None of us can leave COVID behind until all of us can,” she stated.  To that end, her Government announced the donation of 3 million vaccine doses.  This week, Denmark redoubled the efforts with an aim to donate more than 6 million doses, which was one donated vaccine for each Dane.  Denmark’s vaccine contribution was in addition to its commitment to COVAX with more than $15 million.  The international community must strengthen the ability to prevent and respond to future pandemics, she stressed.

    She also called for keeping the Paris Agreement goal alive.  Climate change hits the world’s poorest and weakest communities hardest.  Therefore, Denmark was responding to the call of the Secretary-General and scaling up Danish grant-based climate finance to at least $500 million a year by 2023.  As well, it was dedicating 60 per cent to adaptation in poor and vulnerable countries and was strengthening efforts to mobilize public and private finance from other sources.  It was also aiming to contribute at least 1 per cent of the collective target of $100 billion and was fully focused on reducing its own emissions.  “Denmark will be climate neutral no later than 2050,” she stated, highlighting its commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 70 per cent until 2030.  Her Government also decided to end production of oil and gas and build the world’s first energy islands, which will create clean energy for millions of European households.

    “Every one of us needs to act and adapt individually.  But we also must act for the common good,” she went on to say.  Describing the current situation in Afghanistan as disturbing, she said that a strong and coordinated response was needed.  The contribution at the international donor conference last week was an important step.  Expressing appreciation for the commitment of international humanitarian partners, she underscored that no people in conflict zones should be forgotten.  In addition, in peacebuilding and conflict prevention, women and young people had a vital role to play.  Therefore, Denmark remained committed to the agenda for women, peace and security.

    The international community was leaving the destiny of too many people to human smugglers, she pointed out, adding that the current asylum and migration system was not addressing today’s challenges.  “We need to do better.  To save lives.  To prevent rape and abuse,” she stated.  Calling for new common solutions, she said that Denmark is devoted to addressing the root causes.  Moreover, she highlighted Denmark’s commitment to a strong and efficient United Nations that protects the rule-based international order, promotes a more progressive world, and fights injustice.  The international community needed to act on the recommendations made in “Our Common Agenda”.  The social contract between Governments and people must be renewed.  As host of the World Summit for Social Development in 1995, Denmark had a special responsibility to work towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


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