General Assembly
    His Excellency
    Mohamed Younis Menfi
    President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord
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    Statement summary

    MOHAMED YOUNIS MENFI, President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Unity of Libya, noted the country is at a critical juncture and will either succeed in its democratic transition, through free, fair and transparent elections acceptable to all, or fail and relapse into armed conflict.  The need for meaningful guarantees to establish a civil, democratic State has never been more evident.  Despite a ceasefire holding, and his Council’s efforts with the Joint Military Commission to reopen the road linking east and west, removing foreign forces remains a challenge.  He therefore called on the international community to help secure a conducive environment for elections.

    Since taking office, his Government is making strides on the electoral road map and Security Council resolutions but must take practical options to avoid returning to square one.  He called for a meeting of all stakeholders to reach agreement on guarantees to maintain the political process, requiring compromise in the interest of placing the State and its people above all.  Aiming to restore a sense of a Libyan-led process, the Government will host the Libya Stability Initiative conference in October to ensure international support manifests in a coherent manner.  The Council has made national reconciliation the utmost priority, forming a national reconciliation commission to restore the people’s trust.  Measures include the exchange of detainees and release of prisoners who’ve either served their time or been found innocent, and will require reparations, the return of displaced people and identifying the fate of the missing.

    On the economic front, the Libyan Presidential Council is following the recommendations of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), including addressing economic bottlenecks and working on wealth-sharing, restructuring and recovery.  Noting that Libya has always condemned terrorism in all its manifestations, he stressed it is an international phenomenon, not linked to any religion or belief.  Libya has suffered one of most barbarous forms of terrorism all over the country, sacrificing its youth to overcome the scourge, as the entire world witnessed its epic efforts to uproot ISIL/Da’esh.  Despite security and economic challenges, he noted the country has not forgotten human rights and will increase its cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

    Turning to migration, he cited the security problems Libya continues to face, requiring the support of the international community, as countries of transit should not have to bear that burden alone.  Peace in the Middle East requires that the Palestinian people enjoy their right to an independent State with Jerusalem as its capital.  He noted Libya has a 10,000-year history as the home to many civilizations, making contributions to human thought and culture, thanks to a marvellous mosaic of peoples.  The Libyan people will go down in history for their ability to surmount challenges and crises through determination, emerging from their current plight stronger and more resilient than ever.


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    Portrait of His Excellency Mohamed Younis Menfi (President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord), Libya
    UN Photo

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