Statement summary
HAGE G. GEINGOB, President of Namibia, observed that the global roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine has not been impervious to the scourge of inequality. Vaccine apartheid has resulted in significant disparities in terms of production and availability, with many people in developing countries excluded. It is a pity that, in some countries, citizens are at the stage of receiving booster shots, while in other countries, many are still waiting to receive their first dose of vaccines. Indeed, COVID-19 has impacted poorer countries more acutely and unevenly, he stressed.
Turning to climate matters, he reported that Namibia has decided to prioritize the development of green and blue economies, harnessing its renewable resources, such as solar, wind and ocean. Additionally, it has made progress in incubating renewable energy assets in the form of green hydrogen and ammonia as part of its energy transition through green industrialization, he said.
Recalling Africa’s tumultuous past, he said there is a new order on the continent. When there have been setbacks, the African Union, supported by respective regional economic communities, has ensured that perpetrators are ostracized. “This is the new Africa, an Africa which belies in constitutional order.”
It has now been nearly 50 years and still the people of Western Sahara are waiting for their right to exercise their inalienable right to freedom and independence, he observed. As such, he welcomed the appointment of the Secretary‑General’s Special Representative for the Territory. He went on to call for an end of the economic, commercial and financial embargo by the United States against Cuba and urged President Joseph R. Biden to rekindle the spirit of respect between the Washington, D.C., and Havana.
“Where there is unity, there is hope to overcome COVID-19; where there is unity, people can return to rebuilding sustainably; where there is unity, we can respond to the needs of the planet and respect the rights of all people.” Through unity, the United Nations can be transformed into a bastion of global democracy and reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, he said.
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