General Assembly
    His Excellency
    Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmajo
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    Statement summary

    MOHAMED ABDULLAHI MOHAMED FARMAJO, President of Somalia, said building resilience through hope, hard work and multifaceted partnerships is essential for an equitable and holistic recovery from COVID-19, which laid bare a frighteningly unequal world.  The different pace of response within nations and regional organizations highlighted the vast gap in opportunities between developed and developing States, with countries like Somalia still struggling to offer the vaccination to most citizens.  “Responding to COVID-19 requires a renewed commitment to vaccinations for all,” he said, as “human safety is the cornerstone of any sustainable recovery from this disastrous health pandemic”.  Somalia responded quickly with policies prioritizing citizens’ lives through medical provisions and information-sharing.  Indeed, the pandemic galvanized the resilient Somali people, including the diaspora, private sector and international partners, to create opportunities to recover quickly and sustainably.

    Highlighting paths towards recovery, he said efforts must be anchored on innovative and sustainable human-centred policies and strategies delivered in partnership across continents.  In line with its national development plan, Somalia’s recovery strategy focuses on such core areas as rebuilding a strong, cohesive and fair society, underpinned by strong institutions and opportunities.  Despite COVID-19’s heavy impact on Somalia’s economy, the Government remains undeterred in advancing reform, which in turn has enhanced trust with public and international partners that have provided much needed grant financing to mitigate the pandemic’s worst effects.  Similarly, Somalia is committed to environmental protection, an urgent global priority, with efforts directed towards harnessing its enormous blue economy potential and protecting its many natural resources.  However, Somalia faces the painful results of global warming, recurring droughts and floods, which are triggering food insecurity, lost livelihoods and displacement that weakens the traditional, rural, communal, economic networks the country has depended on for centuries.

    Looking forward, it is the collective duty of all States, communities and individuals to respond to the needs of the planet, he said, expressing a strong belief in the international multilateral system’s enduring ability to deliver a better world for all.  Cooperation, strategic collaboration and good governance are a must, as it is almost impossible for any nation to strive for progress and prosperity alone in this brave new world.  Member States must work closely together to revitalize the United Nations — which remains the foremost multilateral institution for regular high-level dialogue and decisions — so that it can effectively play its mandated role of connecting countries in navigating the serious global challenges that threaten common development.  Revitalizing the Organization includes reforming its governance structures, aligning a strategic focus on peacebuilding activities with the Sustainable Development Goals and strengthening public-private partnerships to overcome its financing challenges in this desperate time of global crisis and need, especially in the developing world.

    For its part, he said, Somalia is working tirelessly to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by successfully confronting international terrorism, investing in basic public services, tackling corruption and promoting good governance and inclusive politics, including by finalizing the process of holding free, fair and inclusive elections.  “To achieve sustainable development for all, we must also recognize and act on responding to the needs of our planet and creating a fairer society for all,” he said, emphasizing that, in the face of the pandemic’s enormous and continuing impact, particularly among the most vulnerable in the world, nations can recover from COVID-19 more sustainably through effective multifaceted partnerships, social solidarity and strong institutions.



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    Portrait of His Excellency Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmajo (President), Somalia
    UN Photo

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