Statement summary
FÉLIX-ANTOINE TSHISEKEDI TSHILOMBO, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, emphasized that the African people often do not understand the equivocal attitude, the double standards, ambiguities and procrastinations of the UN and particularly the Security Council in certain serious political and security crises which have been plaguing Africa — sometimes for decades. This is the case of the forgotten Western Sahara crisis which has driven apart Algeria and Morocco, and that of Mozambique, the victim of deadly terrorist attacks for a decade. He further cited the Sahel-Saharan region, where UN troops are withdrawing, leaving behind the memory of unfinished business, even though they embodied all the hopes of liberation of the people of those countries, caught in the clutches of jihadism. Sudan has been bogged down in a deadly civil war pitting soldiers loyal to the President against the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces. The international community, he deplored, is almost indifferent to the Sudanese tragedy.
Turning to the withdrawal of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), he stressed that after more than two decades, it is time for his country to take full control of its destiny. While grateful to the international community and the UN for their support, he deplored that the peacekeeping missions deployed have not succeeded in confronting the rebellions and armed conflicts which are tearing the country apart. He has instructed the Government to begin discussions with UN authorities to accelerate and move up the MONUSCO withdrawal deadline from December 2024 to December 2023, further reiterating its request to the Security Council to sanction all natural and legal persons involved in war crimes and against humanity. He welcomed the United States sanctions just imposed on Rwanda for its support for the M23 terrorist group, a proxy of Rwanda, and one of its senior officials involved in criminal activities in the country.
On the environmental crisis, he cited the African Climate Summit held in Nairobi under the joint leadership of the African Union and Kenya from 4 to 7 September — a very timely initiative which reflects Africa’s determination to actively participate in the treatment of this vital issue and to now count as a heavyweight in the solution to global warming and the greener and more responsible economies of the future. The Summit further reminded rich polluters of a commitment made in 2009, but not yet honoured to date, to provide $100 billion in climate financing. Urging the United Nations and the entire international community to pay particular attention to the legitimate demands of the continent, he called for the creation of a fair carbon market and incentive prices while strengthening the effectiveness of climate financing. He also noted the importance of Council reform to include two permanent African members.
While it is no secret that his country is one of the African States most troubled by sexual violence against women, particularly due to decades of armed conflict, he pointed to mechanisms emplaced including the National Fund for Reparations for Victims of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and Victims of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Humanity. The Government works tirelessly to change the way men view women, in particular by removing societal structures that create barriers to the development of women as well as power dynamics that underlie male-female relationships. Pointing to upcoming general elections in the country, he affirmed that invitations have already been extended to international institutions and non-governmental organizations specializing in the matter to mandate their electoral observation missions to support the process and help the Congolese state consolidate its young democracy. He further called for the removal of sanctions placed on Zimbabwe.
After the decades-long presence of a large UN peacekeeping mission, the Democratic Republic of the Congo will, by the end of the year, aim to take full control of its destiny and become the primary actor in its own stability, the country’s President told the General Assembly on Wednesday.
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