Statement summary
JOSÉ BADIA, Government Counsellor for External Affairs of Monaco, said the new goals facing the world’s Governments included sustaining development and building a safe world, alongside renewed support of the United Nations, whose role in conflict prevention, human rights violations and natural disasters should be strengthened. The newest Member State, South Sudan, arrived at a time when a movement was sweeping through the Middle East among peoples who had been oppressed for too long. Monaco expressed solidarity with those who had fought for freedom and the rule of law, hoping there would be a viable, lasting solution that would see Israel and Palestine as two States, living side by side in peace.
He said it was the United Nations that helped to safeguard humanity, and it was where the world turned to assure the world’s collective security. During the natural disasters, and the humanitarian crises and economic crises of the past year, the world had turned to the United Nations for help. The Organization also supported development. Regarding the Millennium Goals, Monaco had aimed to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable among us, including the promotion of women and girls in development strategies. For women to realize their potential, obstacles must be removed, giving women equal access to resources, including markets, he said, reiterating Monaco’s support for the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women).
Turning to renewable energy, he said the switch from fossil fuels could not be made immediately, especially after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident, which showed the risks of nuclear energy. It was, time, however, to put aside differences and to set up a green economy. For its part, Monaco had contributed to the work of “ Rio+20”, by organizing a meeting on the sustainable management of oceans. The negative impact of climate change on oceans was becoming more visible, and pollution and unsustainable exploitation were harming ecosystems. Better prevention resources were needed, thus enabling the United Nations to carry out its mandate efficiently. Reforms were also vital, including reform of the Security Council, deepening cooperation with regional organizations as well as relations with civil society and the private sector.
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