Statement summary
SIRODJIDIN ASLOV, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan, said that, while the global community had recently made headway in the area of development, it had been less successful in addressing issues of peace and security. In particular, combating international terrorism and violent extremism had become a top priority. There was a need to develop national, regional and international mechanisms aimed at eliminating military infrastructures, financing channels, logistical support, recruiting and propaganda of violence, as well as the use of modern information and communications technology (ICT) for purposes of terror. Preventing illicit drug trafficking, which had turned into a breeding ground for terrorism and organized crime, also required concerted joint action. Tajikistan stood for a comprehensive settlement of the crises in the Middle East, which would help to enhance global security, he said, while also expressing support for the international strategy for a comprehensive settlement and post-conflict reconstruction in neighbouring Afghanistan.
With the setting of the 2030 Agenda, the world had begun a process of transformation, he said. “It is obvious that the path towards sustainable development is not going to be easy and smooth,” he said, noting that both traditional and emerging challenges presented additional and complex tasks, seriously undermining security and stability around the globe. The response required regional cooperation and political will, reinforced by adequate means of implementation. It was crucial to remember that countries in special situations — including least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States — would begin implementing the 2030 Agenda under less favourable conditions and required special support. Underlining the importance of water in the 2030 Agenda, he warned that climate change, urbanization and population growth would exacerbate water-related challenges. In that regard, countries must work together on a new water agenda, particularly in cases of waters shared among various sectors, such as health, agriculture, energy and navigation.
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