    His Excellency
    Aleksandar Vučić
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    Statement summary

    ALEKSANDAR VUČIĆ, President of Serbia, expressed concern about increasing global tensions, conflicts and geopolitical struggles, emphasizing his country’s commitment to upholding the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law and the importance of restoring faith in peace.  “Despite our declaratory efforts for peace, development and prosperity of humanity, there is no end in sight to this geopolitical nightmare,” he said, voicing his wish that the wise words of former United States President John F. Kennedy — that “mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind” — do not become those of a prophet.  Deeply sympathizing with the people suffering in the tragic events in the Middle East and Ukraine, he said that it is unforgivable that in the twenty-first century “we are talking about gruesome figures related to children who have died in conflicts”.  The world is on the verge of nuclear disaster and nuclear Holocaust.  In this regard, he supported a proposal for Africa’s greater representation in the Security Council.

    He then highlighted Serbia’s historical experiences and international hypocrisy, noting his country’s suffering during the world wars and NATO bombings, accusing powerful nations of applying double standards, especially in relation to Serbia’s territorial integrity and Kosovo.  “The absolute dominance of the Western capitalist way” of manufacturing, its science and technology supremacy and convincing victory against the Eastern contenders, brought the world to complete hegemony of Western ideas in all spheres of social life.  Such a dominance also destroyed the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, he added.

    He noted a view held by many that aggression against Ukraine opened Pandora’s box and undermined international law — a precedent not witnessed in Europe since the Second World War.  “This is the utter untruth,” he declared, stating that the Charter and Council resolution 1244 (1999) were not observed when it came to the territorial integrity of Serbia.  The uncontested power helped tear apart Yugoslavia and started doing the same to Serbia.  Those who committed aggression against Serbia are trying to convince Belgrade that seceding Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia is the only democratic and reasonable solution. They have been providing arms daily to the so-called Kosovo security forces, which would tomorrow become armed forces of Albanians in the territory of Serbia.

    He said that Serbia is committed to joining the European Union and boasts the strongest economy in the Western Balkans.  However, the bloc’s support for Kosovo’s independence, influenced by powerful nations, disregards the principles of the Charter of the UN and international law.  Despite being a small country, Serbia prioritizes truth, economic progress, innovation and preserving its sovereignty.  He then highlighted Serbia’s commitment to peaceful dialogue with Kosovo and its refusal to compromise on its freedom.  “I believe in a world based on real and not false values, and I believe that the strength of the developing countries, all of us who have raised our heads and who dare to say the truth, will be a foundation of a new, different and better world.”


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    Portrait of His Excellency Aleksandar Vučić (President), Serbia
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