    His Excellency
    Yamazaki Kazuyuki
    Permanent Representative
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    Statement summary

    The representative of Japan, speaking for that country’s Prime Minister KISHIDA FUMIO, said that the “world stands at a historical inflection point”.  The extreme shifts in history have become distinctive features of the past three years and will continue to define the years to come.  We should go back to the basic foundations to unite the international community and deepen solidarity,” he stressed.  To that end, his country is determined to play a role for stronger governance.  It will also work with others to achieve a Security Council that is more representative and reflects the realities of the international community.  Underscoring the importance of maintaining and strengthening a free and open international order based on the rule of law, Japan has promoted a Free and Open Indo Pacific vision.

    In March, during Japan’s Security Council presidency, it held an open debate on peacebuilding and conflict prevention, while stressing the importance of strengthening the Peacebuilding Commission and increasing its cooperation with the Council, he reported.  To contribute to inclusive society, the country plans to launch a programme to nurture the next generation of leaders in the field of gender.  Japan will also further work on promoting youth, supporting research and building networks for young researchers, he said. In addition, under its “Hiroshima Action Plan”, Tokyo has been steadily taking initiative to realize a world without nuclear weapons.  As the only country that has ever suffered atomic bombings during war, Japan will act to further advance nuclear disarmament in the framework of the forthcoming 2026 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

    While Japan will also work towards the denuclearization of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, it will continue to seek to normalize relations with that country, he continued.  In addition, focusing on the further development of emerging technologies, Tokyo intends to participate in international rulemaking on lethal autonomous weapon systems.  “Digital technologies have the power to transform the future of the world,” he observed, reporting that his country has been working through the Hiroshima AI [artificial intelligence] Process towards achieving safe and trustworthy AI.  As well, in 2025, Japan will host the Ninth Tokyo International Conference on African Development in Yokohama.  “Together with our African friends and the United Nations, we will find innovative solutions to Africa's and global challenges,” he said.


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    Portrait of His Excellency Yamazaki Kazuyuki (Permanent Representative), Japan
    UN Photo

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    First Declaration

    The representative of Japan, responding to the representative of the Solomon Islands, said the water from Fukushima nuclear plant being discharged into the Pacific Ocean by her country is not nuclear-contaminated.  It has undergone a rigorous purification process, and has negligible impact, she said, adding that the IAEA has verified this.  The Agency published a comprehensive report confirming that it did not identify anything inconsistent with relevant international safety standards, she said, adding that her Government will engage with all stakeholders and participate in a multi-layered monitoring process.


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