    His Excellency
    Mohamed Siad Doualeh
    Permanent Representative
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    Statement summary

    The representative of Djibouti said that financial institutions must provide developing countries with greater subsidies and access to financing under favourable conditions.  For its part, the UN must play a major role in global economic coordination, and its Economic and Social Council should continue to lead in identifying emerging challenges, promoting innovation and achieving economic, social and environmental integration in sustainable development.  Djibouti has enacted several ambitious, multidimensional measures to mitigate the effects of climate change and to strengthen national resilience; however, climate and development financing continues to fall short.  “The promise of paying out $100 billion per year has not been kept,” he said, adding:  “It is urgent to re-establish trust by moving toward the swift disbursement of the billions of dollars that are needed.”  He also expressed profound sadness over the suffering of the Palestinian people and called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.  On Sudan, he underscored the need to protect that State’s sovereignty.


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    Portrait of His Excellency Mohamed Siad Doualeh (Permanent Representative), Djibouti
    UN Photo

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