Statement summary
PHILIP ISDOR MPANGO, Vice-President of the United Republic of Tanzania, stressed that shifting geopolitical tectonic plates and the creation of new blocs are seeking to replace the obviously dysfunctional world order. The massive production of weapons and skyrocketing military spending on armed conflicts is compromising promises to the most vulnerable. Emphasizing that wars must be avoided at all costs because everyone loses, including non-warring parties, he affirmed that the United Republic of Tanzania will continue to contribute to peacemaking and peacebuilding efforts in Africa and elsewhere. Noting the United Republic of Tanzania as the twelfth-largest contributor to United Nations peacekeeping missions out of 125 countries, he urged the international community to increase support to regional peace initiatives in Africa. Moreover, those who fuel conflicts in Africa to profit from the arms trade or access blood mineral wealth should be tracked and condemned openly by the United Nations. The United Republic of Tanzania has also strengthened its capacity to combat cross-border terrorism, including by sharing information and working with neighbours and international partners.
Underscoring climate change as the world’s greatest threat, he urged all nations to cut greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen mitigation and adaptation measures. Together, the world must create an enabling environment and facilitate investments to unlock resources and scale up implementation of climate commitments. Climate change will continue to impact Africa and hamper its progress, which highlights the need for a fair and just clean energy transition for Africa.
Regarding the Sustainable Development Goals, the United Republic of Tanzania is determined to further improve domestic revenue efforts, while capitalizing on public-private partnerships. His Government is prioritizing investments in the social service sectors, agriculture and agribusiness, infrastructure, uplifting youth skills, and harnessing science and innovation. However, the unfulfilled promises of finance and technology by the Global North and limited fiscal space in most African countries have contributed to disappointing progress towards the SDGs. It is imperative, he stressed, that the Global North “walks the talk on its promises and listens to the voices of the Global South”. Furthermore, the Global South “must re-engineer its domestic revenue mobilization effort” and end the haemorrhage of natural resource wealth and illicit capital outflows.
Additionally, warning that unilateral coercive measures have serious adverse effects on targeted economies and innocent lives, especially those of women and children, he called for the limitation of unjust sanctions that undermine sovereignty and prosperity. Likewise, he reiterated opposition to injustice, wherever committed and by whomever, as well as solidarity with those denied their rights. He called for the end to occupation and the peaceful resolution of all territorial disputes, in accordance with principles in the United Nations Charter.
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