Statement summary
RALPH E. GONSALVES, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, said that large numbers of people, globally, feel a sense of futility, a routinization of indifference — even cynicism. “It is widely acknowledged that the global political economy is broken and needs fixing, not by tinkering here or there, but through fundamental restructuring of a kind that endures for the benefit of all humanity, especially those who are disadvantaged, dispossessed or marginalized,” he stressed. It is also acknowledged that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will not be attained by 2030; indeed, there will be a significant deficit for practically every developing country. Similarly, it is widely recognized that the climate change agenda is stalling, and in some respects, reversing, with dire consequences for humanity. Meanwhile, contemporary drivers of insecurity and conflict are all jostling in an “invidious march to infamy” and human misery, he said.
Powerful countries and blocs of like-minded States are unwilling or unable to fashion inclusive modalities, through genuine multilateralism, to address the extant global challenges facing humanity, he said. Their reflex actions in quest of a continuing imperium or an emergent hegemony are dressed up as self-serving calls for a “New World Order” — all sauce and gall but of little or no substance. “From the tough trenches of the periphery, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines poses, yet again, in response, three haunting queries: What’s new? Which world? And who gives the orders?” he asked. “It is evident to all right-thinking persons, devoid of self-serving hypocrisy, that the struggle today between the dominant Powers is centred upon the control, ownership and distribution of the world’s resources,” he said.
He urged the United States, “our friend, the most powerful and economically dominant country since the dawn of human civilization”, to end unilateral sanctions against Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. It is “plain silly” to label Cuba a sponsor of State terrorism — a label prompted by partisan domestic politics of South Florida. “Surely, Taiwan’s quest for participation in relevant specialized agencies of the United Nations is reasonable and ought to be accommodated,” he added. Turning to climate change, he said poor, vulnerable, climate distressed and resource-challenged developing countries are absolutely fed up with the unfulfilled perennial promises of the developed world on climate financing. “The time for reparations has come,” he went on to say, underlining that “Africa, the Caribbean, our diaspora and others who hanker for a just world insist on it”.
Turning to Haiti, he said that the Security Council cannot “stand askance” as criminal gangs, some with links to the Government and National Police, essentially control the capital city and major productive centres in the country. Huge economic assistance — a veritable Marshall Plan — financed by the international community, must be mounted in tandem with political, security and humanitarian initiatives. The United States, the Caribbean and Latin American Governments must work together to stop the massive flow of guns and bullets into Haiti. Moreover, the terrible situations in Ukraine, the State of Palestine, several countries in Africa and elsewhere also cry out for peaceful settlements between warring parties. He further expressed support for the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to follow the African Union into membership of the Group of 20 countries. “The days of masters and vassals are over; the days of imperialism are drawing nigh,” he stressed.
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