Statement summary
OMAR HILAL (Morocco), recalling the recent earthquake to strike his country, detailed his nation’s efforts aimed at addressing its consequences. To finance the reconstruction as well as social and economic development of affected areas over the next five years, $12 billion was allocated. Morocco also has a new development model that is in line with the 2030 Agenda. To promote women’s and family rights, the Personal Status Code is currently being reviewed, he informed. Further, he drew attention to the General Assembly resolution — tabled by Morocco and adopted by consensus — on deploring violence against sacred books. Turning to the “Moroccan Sahara”, his country remains committed to a political solution to this “fabricated regional conflict”. There is no alternative to autonomy within Morocco’s territory, he declared. On regional issues, he expressed support for international efforts to reach a permanent political settlement in Libya and for an independent Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital.
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