General Assembly
    His Excellency
    Pedro Castillo Terrones
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    Statement summary

    PEDRO CASTILLO TERRONES, President of Peru, said that, at this time of instability, people are demanding answers.  Peruvians have voted in favour of social change with macroeconomic stability and sustainable growth, depending on the Government to forge a socially inclusive society that guarantees freedom and civil rights, alongside the promotion of the population’s participation in all decision-making processes affecting their destinies and their lives.  Given Peru’s current challenges, including a pandemic-affected economy, he said a social transformation is needed to, among other things, guarantee the people’s rights to education, health, decent employment, a living wage, social security and housing, in line with environmental protection.  Voicing full support for the Secretary-General’s new, global social contract that guides Peru’s forward action, he said the Government is working towards this vision, from reducing inequalities to fighting poverty.

    As the world moves into the second year of the pandemic, he said vaccines have opened the way forward, but the fight against COVID-19 has demonstrated the international system’s inability to cooperate under the principles of solidarity and efficiency.  New agreements must ensure vaccine equity at a time when multilateral cooperation remains greatly absent from the fight against COVID-19.  The new global agenda should include urgent, vigorous, multilateral action to combat the pandemic and allow access by all countries, especially the poorest, to vaccines and free health coverage.  For its part, Peru will be an active and dynamic member in that common task, so that all countries have inclusive, equitable and non-discriminatory access to all therapies, medicine and vaccines.  Top priority must be given to strengthening international scientific cooperation to combat the pandemic, and initiatives to do so must be reinforced, he said, adding that action cannot be postponed on the temporary release of vaccine patents so such nations as India, South Africa and the United States can produce in other countries.  This would be a serious demonstration of commitment to protect the life and health of all people, he said, noting that Peru’s foreign and national policies are geared towards cooperation with all nations.

    Social diplomacy remains a priority, he said, drawing attention to the Sustainable Development Goals and calling for bolstered action to meet food needs, stimulate social protection programmes, maintain and increase trade and supply chains, and support small producers.  Peru is also committed to policies on, among other things, full access to health care, gender equality and improved informal employment.  As a schoolteacher by profession, he called attention to the millions of children out of school, a situation the pandemic worsened.  The Secretary-General’s new global agenda must reflect the need for education for all and must also recognize women’s and girls’ rights at all levels.  Noting that Peru aligns plans with the Sustainable Development Goals, he said social diplomacy is both a national requirement and a global imperative.

    Turning to other priorities, he first highlighted the climate crisis, which requires prompt action for nations to rethink their activities to achieve sustainable development in harmony with the planet.  For its part, Peru assumes the goal of becoming a carbon-neutral country by 2050 and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 30 to 40 per cent, compared to what is projected for 2030, he said, adding that the Government plans on declaring a national climate emergency.  As a country that has suffered terrorist violence, Peru supports any action to fight it, including the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, and is committed to global peace and security, and respect for international law and an inclusive agenda.  At this fragile moment facing world diplomacy and multilateralism, the world’s collective will is stronger, he declared, expressing certainty that the New Global Agenda will allow nations to build together a world of peace, friendship, cooperation and well-being for all. 


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    Portrait of His Excellency Pedro Castillo Terrones (President), Peru
    UN Photo

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