General Assembly
    Her Excellency
    Verónica Nataniel Macamo Dlhovo
    Minister for Foreign Affairs
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    Statement summary

    VERÓNICA NATANIEL MACAMO DLHOVO, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mozambique, said that access to essential medicines and vaccines is one of the main challenges facing developing countries in their response to COVID‑19.  As such, Mozambique is in favour of a temporary waiver of certain clauses of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), she said.  The virus’ impact on developing countries challenges the international community to find effective resource mobilization means and mechanisms, aimed at stimulating the economic recovery of countries strongly hit by the pandemic.

    The African continent is among the most affected by terrorism and violent extremism, she continued.  In Mozambique, terrorist activities have been recorded in some districts of the Cabo Delgado Province, in the northern part of country, she said.  In response, her Government embarked on a coordinated response to face such violence, with the involvement of various partners at national, regional and international levels.  Specifically, Mozambique counts on the support of its regional body, Southern African Development Community (SADC), and the help of the Defence Force of Rwanda.  In addition, the European Union and other international partners have provided humanitarian assistance and training for Mozambique’s Defence Armed Forces and Security Forces.

    Turning to climate matters, she observed that Mozambique’s location makes it prone to natural disasters, particularly cyclones, which occur with higher frequency.  Despite its negligible contribution to greenhouse‑gas emissions, it is countries like Mozambique that are most affected by climate change, particularly by global warming.  Cuts in international financing for programmes aimed at promoting resilience and adaptation to climate change have led to an adverse impact and constitute a major challenge to developing countries, she stressed.  As such, the development goals inscribed in the “Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness” are important elements in the measures aimed to rebuild sustainably, she emphasized.  Lack of resources could seriously jeopardize the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, should current resource mobilization and disbursement patterns persist unchanged.


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    Portrait of Her Excellency Verónica Nataniel Macamo Dlhovo (Minister for Foreign Affairs), Mozambique Image will be uploaded soon
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