Statement summary
SONG KIM (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea), recalling his country’s thirtieth anniversary of joining the United Nations, said: “The Korean nation, which lived on the same territory for thousands of years […] was artificially divided by the outside forces in the middle of the twentieth century and in the end, joined the UN with two seats. This is a tragedy indeed.” In addition, the tensions remaining in the Korean Peninsula were due to the hostile policy of the United States towards his country since its foundation. He called attention to the annual military drills that the United States and “South Korea” staged on and around the Korean Peninsula and in the Korean waters for the last several decades.
In regard to the nuclear issue, it was not the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s possession of nuclear weapons that made the United States become hostile towards his country. The United States, the biggest nuclear Power in the world, has been posing nuclear threats and antagonizing his country for more than 70 years. He called on the United States to contribute to peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula by withdrawing its hostile policy towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and by permanently stopping the joint military exercises and the deployment of weapons to “South Korea”. He also called for efforts to make the Security Council an impartial and responsible body that substantially contributes to maintaining international peace and security, as explicitly stipulated in the United Nations Charter, and to increase the representation of developing countries.
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