General Assembly
    His Excellency
    Hassan Ali Khaire
    Prime Minister
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    Statement summary

    HASSAN ALI KHAIRE, Prime Minister of Somalia, said that after years of war, famine, poverty and displacement, his country was on the rise and determined to stay the course.  It aimed to contribute to the progress of its region, its continent and the world.  Its people had embraced a new dawn, he said, emphasizing that debt relief would help unlock concessional financing, attract foreign investment and support reform efforts.

    Unity in addressing the terrorism was critical, he said, calling for redoubled military interventions against ISIL and Al-Qaida.  In Somalia, significant strides had been made to weaken Al-Shabaab, he said, thanking the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) for its sacrifice and solidarity.  To ensure the sustainability of those gains, Somalia was strengthening its national security forces, he said, adding that the Government would work with the Security Council and others on a road map towards the lifting of the arms embargo.

    Somalia, among other countries, had been ravaged by man-made and natural disasters that resulted from environmental degradation, he said.  Currently, the humanitarian situation of millions of Somalis was fragile due to drought and the threat of famine.  Like other countries at the receiving end of climate change, Somalia lacked the resources to tackle that ever-growing problem.  He urged all Member States to improve upon the Paris Agreement and to make long-term investment in his country’s infrastructure, water conservation, innovative food and livestock production and job creation.

    “We need to get better at streamlining global development and aid structures, especially for fragile States,” he said.  The New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States, agreed upon in 2011, was a good step in that direction, but it needed improvement.  Predictable financing for non-United Nations peacekeeping missions must also be found.  That was particularly true for AMISOM, which had registered tremendous success for over a decade, yet operated each year amid funding uncertainty.  He underscored significant steps Somalia was taking to increase the participation of women and youth in decision-making.  Legislation to address sexual offences would be approved soon, he said, adding that the Government was seeking ways to harmonize traditional dispute resolution with the justice system in a way that respected human rights.


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    Portrait of His Excellency Hassan Ali Khaire (Prime Minister), Somalia
    UN Photo

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